Feeding your baby solid food shouldn’t be stressful.
…but for many parents, first time or not, it can be a daunting milestone! A quick internet search will have you feeling like you’re doing it all wrong and you just want to the make the most out of the time with your baby.
We don’t want starting solids to be the reason you’re up all night. #sleepbabysleep
When you learn about and decide to use the Happy Healthy Eaters approach to feeding baby, it all just makes sense.
Your baby is born to eat. Are you ready to start solids confidently?
Our signature approach, Happy Healthy Eaters combines handheld foods with the opportunity for purees. We recognize the important role that a variety of textures can play in optimizing your baby’s nutrition and success with feeding.
There’s zero-judgement in this space, we’re here to guide you through what feels best for you, and your baby.
Let us share our genius with you.
Jess & Nita have appeared in....
Getting your hands on the right information that is practical will save you time, heart ache, and set you up for success.
After taking Start Solids Confidently, parents report feeling relieved, excited, and confident about nourishing their baby and preparing family friendly meals.
Over-achiever parent, click here.
Kidding, we know you’re all over-achievers! #treatyoself
If you're overwhelmed by....
- Worry that your baby is eating too little, or too much
- Not knowing which foods to introduce first
- How to identify an allergic reaction
- What texture to offer your baby
- How to serve and prepare foods
- Scary google searches
- The fear of choking
Then let us...
- Walk you through the ins and outs of feeding your baby
- Set you up with realistic expectations
- Offer you downloadable resources to supplement your learning
- Introduce you to a variety of texture options to offer your baby
- Breakdown how to introduce each food group
Meet your instructors
Jess and Nita are friends, dietitians, and #boymamas.
Collectively they’ve introduced solids to four babies, have over twenty years of professional experience, and have taught thousands of parents how to have confidence when starting solids.
what you'll learn
Through bite-sized videos that you can watch at your own pace on any device, we’ll teach you all the ins and outs of starting your baby on solids and how to progress.
Module 1: Goals of Starting Solids
An indepth look at why we transition baby onto solid food and going over a big feeding concern many caregivers have, choking. We also offer helpful tips to prevent choking.
Module 2: Feeding Styles
There are a variety of feeding methods that can be employed when you’re getting ready to start your baby on solid food. But, which one is right for you and your family? This module will cover three feeding styles including our signature Happy Healthy Eaters approach.
Module 3: Getting Ready for Solids
If your baby isn’t quite ready to eat solids yet, there are some fun things you can do to gear baby up for solids and make the transition go a bit more smoothly. Plus, get yourself ready with our minimalist feeding gear recommendations!
Module 4: When to Start
This module contains important lessons that will help you assess when to best start your baby on solid food. You’ll learn about the risks of starting too soon or too late and you’ll also learn how a 4 month old baby differs from a 6 month old baby.
Module 5: Starting Solids
This module is jam packed with a lot of information, so get ready. We will walk you through how to offer solid foods in both puree fashion and handheld. You’ll leave with lots of ideas for all of the major food groups.
Module 6: How Much Food to Offer
A common parent question and concern is “how much do I feed my baby” and “how often do I need to feed my baby”. Let’s find the answers to these questions in this module.
Module 7: Beverages
When your baby is transitioning to solid food, it’s also a great time to introduce some beverages. This module will review which beverages your baby needs.
Module 8: What to expect
We don’t want there to be any surprises. Let’s review what else you can expect as you embark on feeding your baby. We will review the gag reflux, set the stage for mess and teach you about changes in your baby’s bowel routine.
Extra Extra!
In case you have additional questions we’ve compiled a module of this course to tackle a few commonly asked questions. Work through the lessons that you feel you’d benefit from most!
We’ve loaded the course with bonus videos showing you babies eating a variety of foods, quick tutorials on how to offer nearly any fruit or veggie, and much more!
everything you need to start solids with confidence
- 12 months access to the e-course
- Troubleshooting guide
- Rescue Resources
The Essential
12 months access to Start Solids Confidently e-course
16 Printable Rescue Resources (bonus $21 value)
Video Vault of Babies Eating & Baby Food Prep Tutorials
Troubleshooting Guide
Whole Food Recipes for Your Baby E-book ($16 value)
Slow & Steady: Baby's First Month of Purées Mini E-Course ($19 value)
Bundle First Aid Offer
Infant/Child CPR, Choking and Injury Prevention from Safe Beginnings
12 months access to Start Solids Confidently e-course
16 Printable Rescue Resources (bonus $21 value)
Video Vault of Babies Eating & Baby Food Prep Tutorials
Troubleshooting Guide
Whole Food Recipes for Your Baby E-book ($16 value)
Slow & Steady: Baby's First Month of Purées Mini E-Course ($19 value)
What parents have to say...
The Digital Rescue Resources
All the printable resources for you to fall back on later
- When to start my baby on solids
- How to serve vegetables (puree & handheld)
- How to serve fruit (puree & handheld)
- How to puree meat for your baby
- How to adapt high risk choking foods
- Starting Solids Confidently cheat sheet
- How to prepare a balanced baby meal
- Three-week sample menu
- Allergen exposure checklist
- Baby sign language bookmark
- Everything you want to know about iron
Whole Food Recipes for Your Baby
(included in The Essential Package)
Our e-book is filled with 25 whole food recipes for staring your baby on solids.
You’ll find both handheld foods and pureed textures. We’ve paid special attention to create recipes that are iron-rich, free of refined sugar, and tasty for the whole family!
Your baby will also have the opportunity to be exposed and develop tolerance to the top priority allergens.
Slow and Steady Purée Feeding Course
(included in The Essential Package)
For those who feel more comfortable starting with purées we’ve designed a 4 week meal plan for baby’s first month of solids foods.
Each week you’ll be offering baby two new high iron foods, a high vitamin C food, a top allergen, and how to start building a balanced baby plate.
With daily video instructions, we teach you exactly how to prepare and store each food!